best water delivery services

Best Water Delivery Services Using The Barge

You may have seen long flat-bottom boats called barges carrying large loads and moving slowly on waterways. Do you know they also offer the best water delivery services?

Does it sound strange? I’m glad you know now. Though they are primarily used for transportation of goods and freight down the river, this also includes water deliveries, oil, chemicals, timber, iron ore, and sand. These are bulky items and transporting them via waterways such as rivers, canals or lakes, seaports are the easiest and by extension a safe means.

Barges have steadily evolved from what they used to be in the industrial revolution and have become more than just a means of transporting cargo, to an important tool of utility, with different types, sizes and load capacities.

The benefits of barge transportation override truck and rail transportation and it will make a long list.

  1. They consume less fuel and do not cause air pollution in any way.
  2. Barges are safer compared to rail and trunk transportation. There are minimal chances of accidents occurring using a barge.
  3. They are also essential for maintaining the Smooth running of waterways.

What is the flexible barge all about?

best water delivery services

 you may have heard of the dry cargo barge, barrack Barge or the split Hopper, but the flexible barge is pretty much amazing. It is used mainly for water deliveries and transportation or other liquids in bulk such as chemicals or oil over a long distance.

Talk about a safe and stress-free way of transporting fresh water in bulk, for residential and commercial purposes.

Interestingly enough, the flexible barge is not new. It has been around for years. Something similar to the flexible barge was used in the 1980s. It was called the Spragg bag. The spragg bag was used to deliver large quantities of water to places that had a shortage of clean drinking water available.

One of the many benefits of a flexible brag for water deliveries is that it is much more economical and affordable as compared to rigid ships and tanker trucks.

This is what a flexible barge looks like

It is a non-rigid barge that possesses a hollow flexible bag designed to accommodate a minimum of 15, 000 tons of liquid cargo.


Using barges offers you the best delivery services easily and in no time and they include options such as demineralized water or even water for technical purposes. For more information visit our Website.

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Richard Lefever