commercial Energy Management

Using Commercial Energy Management To Increase Profit

When we use commercial Energy Management, it focuses on the evaluation of a company’s energy use and ways to improve it. In most of the cases, Energy Management focuses on the two core practices. The first one is implementing more efficient Technology, and the second one is implementing ways to Conserve the energy to use in the new technology.

If you take the real-world example of these practices, it can be the implementation of energy that has efficient lighting with the lighting control system. The light level can be adjusted according to the movement, Time of Day, work schedule, etc. When big companies implement efficient Technologies thoroughly, they try effective ways to control its energy use. As a result, they are able to reduce their annual utility bills by 50% or more.

What are the biggest commercial Energy Management targets?

If we deal with the energy effectively it can allow companies to replace all the lightings of the building as small as removing necessary lighting in the vending machine. Given below are the least energy-saving solutions that are consistently revealed by energy audits.

  • Interior and exterior lighting:

If we talk about interior lighting, they are accountable for 60% of the commercial building’s annual electric expense. That makes it the primary target for energy-efficient projects. Exterior lighting can also use high energy, but it depends on the company size and needs. Those efficiency projects that are focused on the lighting, they try to reduce the lighting expense by at least 50%. If we control the proper lighting, de-lamping, and incorporate the lighting enhancements, this percentage can be easily achievable.

  • HVAC components:

If we see the perspective of efficiency, the major issue with the older HVAC components is that they have the tendency to be oversized. This is the characteristic that is mostly found in the air distribution fans and chillers. If the HVAC is oversized, it requires more electricity to produce efficient results. If we downsized them, we could have markedly lower utility bills.

  • Building envelopes:

If you are looking for the best Envelope for your building, it depends on the climate and the needs of your building. When you have efficient envelopes, they can improve the ability of the building to preserve internal temperature for a longer period of time. As a result, your heating and cooling elements will use less energy. This is the best use of commercial Energy Management in the building.

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Louie Parker